Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Top 5 Favorite Movies

     I have been trying to think of something TV or movie-related to blog about. I haven't wanted to see any new movies, and I felt like there really wasn't any TV show review that I wanted to express my thoughts and opinions on, so today I have decided to share my top five favorite movies of all time. I initially had trouble coming up with the five best movies that I have seen since there really are so many that I love and rewatch over and over again, but I did finally come up with my five favorites. I feel like these five movies really represent who I am and what I enjoy in my life, so they really mean a lot to me. Without further ado, let's get to the list!

Image result for twister 1996
5. Twister - 1996 (starring Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt)

     When you ask me what film I have rewatched over and over again in my childhood, it's Twister. The film tells the story of a divorced couple who are storm chasers, who try to install a new technology in order to help people be saved by tornadoes. I was always so intrigued with the film. It did not have the best plot, but the special effects are ridiculously good. The special effects really taught me how dangerous tornadoes are and how they shouldn't be taken as a joke. You really feel as if you are in the movie experiencing these terrifying storms. This movie had such a huge impact on me that I was always scared if there was a tornado watch around my area. This movie has such underrated scenes such as the tornado scene at the drive-in movie, which would inspire a theme-park attraction called Twister- Ride It Out at Universal Studios Orlando. The attraction was recently removed, and it was such a huge blow to me. I loved the attraction as well, and it tied in with the movie perfectly. This film overall is amazing, despite what critics may say. It isn't a perfect film, but it does include non-stop action and breathtaking special effects.

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4. Back to the Future - 1985 (starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd)

     Like Twister, I loved this movie during my childhood. Back to the Future is about a high-school student who mistakenly travels back to the year 1955 where he meets his teenage mother and father while also trying to find a way back to the year 1985. Almost everyday during second grade, I would come home from school, make a hot chocolate and watch Back to the Future. While the time travel terms and sci-fi aspects of the film confused me back then, I really loved the plot of the movie. The movie features that iconic shot of Marty and Doc Brown staring in disbelief as Doc's time machine disappears and travels back in time and that is one of so many great things about this movie. The film is aesthetically pleasing especially during the 50's. The film inspired two more movies to be made, which honestly are way inferior to this movie, but it's okay because this movie will always be great. Back to the Future is such an iconic movie, and I believe it to be the heart of movies from the 80's.

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3. A League of Their Own - 1992 (starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, and Madonna)

     "There's no crying in baseball." That line is recited everywhere, and even if you have never heard or seen the movie, you have heard of this quote. The film is a story about two sisters in the early 1940s who are scouted to play in the all women's professional baseball league. This is by far my favorite sports' movie. While Remember the Titans is great, A League of Their Own has so much depth and heart from the setting to the character development. I think this is Geena Davis' best film role ever, and I think this is probably Tom Hanks' most underrated one. The characters' struggles really shine through by the actors' portrayals of them. I even think that the ending of this movie is great, and was necessary to bring the story to an end, though a lot of people may disagree with me. I love this movie and will always love it for the rest of my life.

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2. Titanic - 1997 (starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio)

     Talk about a film experience that I wish I had seen in theaters. Titanic is about a rich, teenaged girl who meets a poor man on the doomed voyage. Titanic is the most beautiful and heartbreaking movie on this list especially since the movie is based around true events. The chemistry between Jack and Rose presents in what is my opinion the best couple in a movie. They complement each other well and really act the hell out of their respective roles. When the ship is sinking, you really feel like you are going down with the victims of the disaster. I always am tense when I watch this movie. Between the music and acting, Titanic has always amazed me in the way that it told the story. I can never stomach the scene when a lifeboat comes back to find survivors, but most are dead and frozen in the water including a mother holding her baby. That scene has haunted me ever since I first watched the movie. The ending is probably the best and most emotional ending to any movie I have seen, and I have seen so many of them. Titanic remains one for the ages. There is a reason why it was the highest grossing movie for so long...

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1. Psycho - 1960 (starring Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh)

     My favorite movie of all time is hands down Psycho. I'm sure many millennials haven't seen this movie or maybe they have seen the unfortunate remake, but they are seriously missing out. The movie is about a woman who steals money from her boss' client where after driving for awhile, she finds herself at the Bates Motel where she meets the eccentric owner of the motel. The movie has what in my opinion the best scene in movie history: the shower scene. It is shocking and very startling especially since it is only in the middle of the movie when it occurs. Honestly, everything about this movie is perfect. From the score to the shocking revelation in the end. The list goes on and on. Every Halloween I watch this movie, and it gets better every time I watch it. The first time I watched Psycho was during my freshman year of high school, and it hooked me immediately. It is definitely one for the books and as time goes on, the movie becomes even more historic.

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!


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