Monday, July 22, 2019

Big Little Lies Season 2 Finale Review

    When I first watched Big Little Lies season 1 on my Xfinity account, I was immediately hooked. I fell in love with the all star cast consisting of Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern, etc. I was pleased to hear that a season two was planned because of the success of season one. When the second season first premiered, I thought it had potential to be better than season one, but as the season progressed I noticed that wasn't the case. Don't get me wrong. The season wasn't bad by any means, but I thought it was significantly less special than season one. Though this season wasn't near as good as the first season, I thought the finale was pretty decent until I found out that this season is most likely the final season which I find totally bizarre. If that is the case, than I think the finale was actually somewhat weak since it was supposed to complete the whole story. Nonetheless, I thought the five main characters' story arcs came to a nice end for the most part. My thoughts and opinions on each of the five women's storylines are as follows:

     This whole season basically revolved around Celeste and her covering up Perry's death while dealing with her mother-in-law trying to win custody of the twin boys. Meryl Streep acted her ass off on this show, but when has she never? She was so unlikable and so easy to root against; it takes a talented actress to pull that off. Their custody battle ended in the finale with Celeste retaining custody of her sons by showing evidence that Perry abused her and that he could have been influenced by Mary Louise since she blamed him for the death of his brother when they were younger. I was sickened when Mary Louise continuously denied that Perry was an abuser and rapist, and I loved seeing her comeuppance by learning that she was wrong and was most likely going to end up losing custody of Celeste's children. She was such a fascinating character and a great addition to the show, and her interactions with Celeste provided great and memorable moments in the series.

     Madeline's storyline this season was Ed finding out that she had an affair in season one and Madeline trying to reconcile their marriage. The storyline got a little 'meh' after awhile with Madeline's constant trying to win Ed's trust back. If I were Ed, I probably would have left her, but at the end of the day, Ed was the better person and stayed with Madeline and during the finale, Ed asked to renew their wedding vows. I thought this was a great ending to Madeline and Ed's individual storyline. As I mentioned, the constant pandering of Madeline to Ed became a little hard to stomach after awhile, but as the season progressed, you could definitely start to see Madeline care more about others rather than just really caring about herself.

     Jane's storyline this season was sort of intertwined with Celeste's. I loved the relationship that these two had with each other and seeing them come together to try to fight off Mary Louise was really powerful. Perry lived through his mother, and Jane did what she wished she could do with Perry and that is stand up to her abuser. The other part to Jane's story this season was meeting Corey, her love interest for the season. We saw how she never really wanted to let Corey in because I believe she said the only sexual experience she ever had was when Perry raped her, so since then she has been afraid of being with another man. Throughout the season, Corey proved that he was nothing like Perry in that Corey was kind, gentle, and understanding, and Jane saw that. In the finale, she was finally able to defeat "Perry" and move on and begin a real relationship with Corey. I thought her ending was satisfying and very deserving of her character.

     Renata, who probably was my favorite character in the whole series, had a very mixed ending. After her husband's bankruptcy and infidelity, she finally had enough and broke all of his personal belongings out of rage of him being able to keep them and her having to sell all of her things when he was the culprit in this situation. Her iconic lines and sudden outbursts really kept me invested in this season. Her final individual scene is when she is laying in her bed with her daughter. I took it as she really showed anger and aggression to her husband because she loved her daughter so much and that everything she did in her life was to provide for her daughter, but the only thing she needed to show her daughter was love. It didn't matter if she provided tangible objects to her daughter. All she needed was to just love her daughter other in order to provide for her.

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     Now Bonnie's storyline really bored me to tears this season to be completely honest. I never felt the messed up relationship between her and her mother. I thought the mother being in the hospital and Bonnie always looking like she was going to cry got old real quick, and I honestly rolled my eyes when another scene took place on my television screen. Though I really wasn't a fan of this arc, I thought it ended on a high note. Bonnie thought about suffocating her mother, and we all thought she was going to when she went over and started to say how much she loved her, but when her father walked back in, it turned out she brought the pillow to her mother so she could sleep next to her. Bonnie finally felt peace with her mother, and I think she wanted to have a few more positive days before she would eventually turn herself in to the police.

     This brings me to my next area of discussion. Like I previously said, I thought that the show was going to be renewed for another season, so at first I liked the ending. I thought the next season would explore the aftermath of the five women's arrests, but I don't think we're getting a season three, so as a result I thought the last scene was really anti-climactic, and I just asked myself, "That's it?" After all of that, that is how the show ends? I think it's actually pretty lazy storytelling, which is very unfortunate because the storylines were for the most part always interesting, and I was always dying to know how the show would end. I should have expected this because this isn't the first time a series finale has disappointed me on HBO this year. *Cough Game of Thrones. I would probably give this season/series finale a 7/10, but barely a 7/10. It's a shame this show is most likely not coming back on because I think it has more stories to tell to its audience.

Thank you for reading my Big Little Lies finale review! I hope you all enjoyed reading and have a great day!



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