Monday, March 25, 2019

The Walking Dead: The Calm Before Thoughts

     I cannot believe I am about to say this, but I think The Walking Dead has found its groove again. This whole season has been a delight and a return to form for the series. There have been I believe a total of maybe two episodes this season that I have not enjoyed which says a lot considering there were only like two episodes in the last two seasons that I did enjoy. Angela Kang, thank you for making this show good again. I really thought I was going to dread watching this season, but I look forward to watching the show every week again, which hasn't happened in a long ass time. The episode that premiered last night will go down as a top five Walking Dead episode. I knew the ending scene was coming from a mile away, but I had no idea who would be getting the chop.

     First off, I would like to commend the pacing of this episode. There were slow parts and fast parts, just like how I like an episode of any show I watch. I thought the beginning did an excellent job in setting up the suspense for the ending. The beginning is very calm and everyone in the Kingdom seems to be having a good time at the fair, but then you see a woman in the background being very sneaky: Alpha. She cleans up well; she looked like a totally different person. It was eerie to watch because I have read the comic books, and I knew at some point she was luring residents away and killing them. I loved the part where Lydia was in the movie theater and Alpha sits next to her and shushes her. It was just a very creepy scene.

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     That horde of zombies that were below Daryl and Alpha...Holy crap! Is that the most number of zombies together? It has to surpass the amount in the Season 6 premiere episode, but there were whisperers down there leading them, so maybe it was not. Who knows, but what we do know is that our lead group of characters are in it deep. Now, let's get to what you came here to read: that ending scene. Wow! It was done very well. I liked the lead up of the characters' importance to the show in general. First, it was the highwayman Ozzy and one of his henchman? I mean we just met them, but I thought we would get a lot more of Ozzy, at least. That took me by surprise. I knew that Savior was going to die. That was a no brainer. I had no idea that Frankie was one of Negan's wives! I completely forgot about that! Tammy's death was sad, but not shocking at the same time. They have been building her up all season, so I knew she was toast. Two of the three teenagers also died. I mean they were assholes, especially the boy, but there deaths were still significant since they were young teenagers. Then, we see Enid and at the same time that horrifying, yet beautiful music is playing in the background. I loved the back and forth of the loved ones trying to ask around if they have seen their deceased loved ones. That was a great touch. I wish they would have done more with Enid after Carl died, but that's Scott Gimple for you. Then, we see Tara's head is on a pike. I was actually surprised considering that she just became leader of Hilltop, and in the comics it is Rosita who dies instead because there is no Tara in the comics. I thought the last victim was going to be Ezekiel because he dies this way in the comics as well, but no it's Henry! That was shocking because I thought he was going to represent the new generation of the Walking Dead universe and plus this whole back half of the season has really been about him, but I guess not now. The acting done by Michonne and Carol in particular was amazing You could see the terror in Michonne's face. Amazing! Also, did anyone see when Daryl held Carol after she realized Henry had been killed? Does that bring back memories to when he held her after she saw Sophia as a zombie? Good call back!
Image result for the walking dead the calm before

     I liked the way these characters went out, though. They went out fighting, and it lets the viewers know that these people did care for one another even though they really never had contact with one another. Siddiq did a good job delivering that speech. All in all, ya'll this episode is a must watch. Was this the Red Wedding of The Walking Dead? No, because the Red Wedding is still one of if not the most shocking scenes in TV history for the fact that basically half of the main family was killed off as well as it was the main story line of the show. This was still a great and memorable television moment, though. I hope next episode is as good as this one was, but I am expecting a cliffhanger or something of that sort. Sigh.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on the episode! What did you think of this episode? What do you think of this season? Let me know!

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