Monday, January 21, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Episode 1 Review and Predictions

     Hello Big Brother fans! We're back for another season! Let's pray for another great season after Celebrity Big Brother 1 and Big Brother 20 being a return to form for the franchise! The season premiere of Celebrity Big Brother 2 just debuted on CBS, and I have got to say that it was a decent episode. I think the cast is pretty above average, and it seems that most of them are there to play which I can appreciate. I'm going to give you my first impressions of the cast and how well I think they will do.

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1. Kato Kaelin- I liked Kato during this episode. He had some fun moments and some quick remarks about the O.J. trial. I think he'll go far. Will he be a power player? I do not think so. I feel like he'll float from HOH to HOH and he'll never really stab people in the back, but we'll see. I think it was good for him to safe tonight. This way he can start creating relationships and get his foot in the door to build alliances.

2. Dina Lohan- I think she'll either go home very early or she will be dragged along as a goat. I can't see her making big power moves, but hey I thought Ariadna last season would be like that, but she had game! Dina did absolutely horrible in the HOH competition tonight, though. Dear God that was a mess.

3. Lolo Jones- I honestly think she will be this season's Shannon Elizabeth. I mean tonight she was really trying to win HOH which isn't a bad thing, but she was making it obvious. I have heard rumblings that many people in the house are starting to get annoyed by her, but who knows. Things change very quickly in the Big Brother house.

4. Ricky Williams- Was he even on the show tonight? Oh yea, he talked about weed a lot, which is cool I guess, but as far as gameplay, I believe he will be a coaster. Yes, a coaster. Someone that does nothing in the game and latches onto power players. I do not see him being strategic, but maybe his social game will carry him far. I can see him going at Final 5.

5. Tamar Braxton- This season's Omarosa and by that I mean this season's meme queen. She has like 5 memes from this episode already! That grape eating scene had me dying! As far as gameplay is concerned, I am really excited to see Tamar. She has been watching since season 1, so I hope she is smart enough to lay low when she needs to and to be a power player when she needs to. I have high hopes for you, Tamar! I'll ignore your HOH performance tonight!

6. Anthony Scaramucci- Another political person enters the house. I actually think he will do well. I can see him making big moves if he wins HOH. The news headlines should once again be interesting considering the time he spent in the White House. Anthony seems cool. I have high hopes for him.

7. Joey Lawrence- I absolutely hated him in the preseason interviews. He just seems like the kind of guy who thinks he's better than people. During the live feed sneak peeks, he has complained about the condition of the house. Why did you go on the show, then? As far as game is concerned, I think he'll be liked in the house, and I can see him being a competition threat. I would get him out as soon as possible.

8. Natalie Eva Marie- That snide comment she made to Kato while they were watching the HOH competition was so stupid. Hello? Do you want to make an enemy on night one? Ridiculous. Like Kato, I think it is good to be safe the first eviction. She can take this time to create bonds and build alliances. I can see her being in the final three, which is very good!

9. Kandi Burruss- Her and Tamar's rivalry should be manipulated to where her and Tamar should have a secret alliance. That would be smart. I think she'll do quite well. I can see her planting seeds of doubt between people, so I would love that. I can even see her being the final two! Like Tamar I will forgive her for her atrocious HOH performance tonight!

10. Ryan Lochte- I will guarantee right now that he gets to the final 2. His comment about Jonathan being involved with cupcakes, so he must be smart was hilarious and sad at the same time. I hope he tries for the HOH competition against Jonathan and wins to be honest. If he can play up his dumb persona like Tyler did last season, he will get far mark my words.

11. Tom Green- His diary rooms are going to be gold! As far as game is concerned, I am going to predict that Tom will win this season. As long as he does not get on people's nerves, he will be a massive social threat. He also REALLY wants to win this game. I can see the look on his face. I feel like we're going to hear a lot of ball jokes, though which is sort of depressing, but at least he can make fun of the issue! Also, I thought he did a good job at the HOH competition tonight!

12. Jonathan Bennett- Ok. I have a lot of opinions on him. First, I hope he loses the HOH and gets put on the block and sent out the door. He is going to be obnoxious; I can already feel it. He has Frankie Grande famewhore written all over his face. He also got advice from Marissa Jaret Winokur who mistakenly won last season, so I assume he'll do nothing for a lot of the season and win on a fluke? Who knows? I also assume we'll be hearing many more Mean Girls jokes, but since I am in love with the movie, I'll let it slide. My opinions change all the time on these houseguests, so we'll have to see if my feelings change about him.

Side note: This HOH competition tonight was teased by Allison Grodner, the executive producer, to be new, but this is from BB16. I hope this is not an indication that this season will be bad. Sorry, but BB16 was such a monstrosity of a season.
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Thank you for reading my review and predictions for Celebrity Big Brother 2. I am praying for a great third season in a row as I mentioned previously. Tell me what you thought about the episode and who you want and who you think will win!

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