Thursday, October 11, 2018

Welcome to My Blog!

          Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I have decided to start a blog considering that I am an English major, and I really want to get my thoughts and feelings about certain things (mainly TV shows and movies) out there. I also really needed a change in my life. For the past two-ish years, I have felt a bit stuck in my life. For a while now, I have been looking for a new path to take, so I thought: Why not? I need to do something to get out of this rut!

          I'm really passionate about television and movies. It's just something about them that I can relate to. I have also considered them to be amazing ways for people to share their creativity with the world. Watching TV shows and movies are my favorite pastime, so when I find others that share the same interest in these things, I get very excited inside, and I just want to go off on whatever they are talking about. I will also occasionally write about life experiences or travels that have occurred, so if you are not the biggest TV or movie person, then maybe these will be more intriguing to you.

          I am so excited to start this blog, and I am so excited to share my thoughts and feelings with all of you! If any of you have any comments or thoughts about a particular subject that I will have written about, please leave your comments. I am always happy to talk to people!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Chris! This blog is great! Good job!! I see a potential writer/publisher/editor in your future (or just a really great English teacher)!

    I am so glad that you took up a blog - we all go through times when we feel "stuck" in our lives and it's great that you have decided to put your thoughts about something that you are passionate about into words. If you ever need to talk to anyone, I am here for you - us Alfonsis are an interesting breed lol!

    Love, Tiffany


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