Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Walking Dead Season 10 Premiere Review

          If you were to ask me ten years ago if The Walking Dead was still on air, I would say you’re crazy, but here we are ten years later. I have been watching this show since season one episode one all the way back in 2010. I am so happy this show has been a part of my life for the past ten years. Yes, there have been some rocky moments through the years, but all in all, there have been mainly highs. Tonight, the first episode of season ten premiered, and all in all, it was a fairly decent episode. Was it one of the best, most groundbreaking episodes of the show? No. But it sets up interesting storylines that will be seen in this season. I am going to review my thoughts on this episode of The Walking Dead. 

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            So, as well all know, this is Danai Gurira’s (Michonne’s) last season of the show. Michonne is one of my all-time favorite television characters. Ever since she made her debut in season three, I was fully invested in her character, so I am very disappointed that she is leaving. Tonight, the show focused a little bit on the relationship between Michonne and her children particularly when Judith was telling the story of Rick’s “death” to RJ. It’s going to be painful watching these kids lose their mother in some capacity whether she dies or simply leaves the show. We also saw her giving advice and wisdom to Aaron about being smart, but it being okay to be scared. I see that the writers are trying to leave the group as well as the audience with memories of Michonne being a leader and being the glue that holds everyone together, so I can appreciate what they are doing.

            The whole episode focused on the different point of views of the communities reacting to the Soviet Union satellite exploding after a whisperer skin mask was found in the children’s shell bucket and where everyone was at the time. During this time, we saw Carol and Daryl being reunited and debating if they should run away where they don’t have to fight anymore. It was a very fascinating topic because we really haven’t seen the people on the show say they are tired of fighting for a while. I know Carol is not leaving the show anytime soon, but it was interesting to see just how scared yet mad she is at Alpha. We finally see at the end of the episode how much wrath she has towards Alpha when she sees her at the bottom of the cliff, both staring each other down. It will be intriguing to see how this battle will end.

            Another scene I really like and have been waiting years for the show to do was Sadiq’s PTSD storyline. I really wished the show had a mental disorder storyline seasons ago because these are still real people, and things like this would still exist in a zombie apocalypse. I’m excited to see how this plays out for him because I can only imagine how terrifying that was for him to see all of his friends die. Maybe it wasn’t as terrifying, though as having an interaction with that doctor. Talk about cringe. The doctor, Dante, is probably that character of the season who is there to die as a “big” character death, but we shall see. Maybe he’ll get some good character development. 

            Negan is back to his old tricks of manipulating people and planting seeds of doubt to cause chaos. Why anyone would listen or believe him is beyond me. I do think he is becoming a better person, but there is still evil left in him, and I am sure it will be put into effect one way or another this season. The way he had Gabriel’s brain turning and thinking foreshadows the group probably taking advice from him at some point, and him planting seeds of doubt in Lydia’s brain shows that he can never fully be trusted no matter how much he admires Judith. 

            The second half of the episode, when the forest fire breaks out from the satellite explosion, was very fun to watch. Seeing all of these people come together and working all night really makes me love this show. Yes, we have lost so many fan-favorite characters, but I really see these new characters stepping up to the plate to fill the shoes of them, and this scene really showed it. It was a scary scene because we didn’t know if there were whisperers in the horde that was attracted to the fire. That is what is so scary about the whisperers. You never know when they’re going to come. Michonne especially is cautious when she is trying to rush everyone out of the woods after the fire is put out considering they are in Alpha’s territory which would always make me pee my wants if I was her. She is terrified as she should be. I feel like the whisperers are going to attack when no one is expecting them to. I think they’re just going to be at a random place where the survivors are caught off guard and not worrying about the whisperers being around. I actually do think that is how Michonne is going to die. Alpha is going to kill her. I really do not see her joining the spinoff movies with Rick and honestly, I don’t want her to. 

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            Overall, this episode was very well written. So far, I have heard good things about this season, so fingers crossed the reviews are correct. I loved season nine, so I hope the good-season streak can continue after seven and eight were complete garbage and should be forgotten as a whole. I am praying for Michonne’s storyline to come to a proper close. Maybe she will sacrifice herself to save her children or perhaps Alpha will kill her, cementing her as the series’ most feared and terrifying villains.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on the 10th season premiere of The Walking Dead. Stay tuned for my reviews and rankings! Have a great day everyone!

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