Sunday, March 31, 2019

Us: Movie Review

     Spoilers ahead!!! What kind of acid trip was I on last night? I'm not asking this in a negative way because the movie was good, but wow. I felt like I was on another planet while seeing this film. Today, I will be writing my thoughts on the 2019 film, Us, which was executive produced by Jordan Peele, who is an absolute genius. I continue to look forward to seeing what other movies he has planned for the future!

     Ok. I really enjoyed this movie. I thought it was going to be scarier than it was, but I wasn't mad when it did not turn out to be that way. This movie is not a horror film; it's a psychological thriller. Lupita Nyong'o does a great job in conveying the psychological aspect to the audience. You can see the fear and craziness in her eyes for both of the characters she plays. I can't wait to see her in be nominated in the Academy Awards next year! The supporting cast did an amazing job as well! I thought the actress who played Zora had the creepiest doppelgänger. She did a great job with that disturbing smile. The comic relief of the film came from Gabe, the father. I loved the scene when the family was taking count on how many Tethered they had killed, and of course Gabe had the standout part in that scene. The actor who portrayed Jason and his doppelgänger, Pluto also did a great job. I loved the parallel of the fire between the two. I was surprised Elisabeth Moss did not have a larger part in the film, but I thought she did an extraordinary job playing her twin. She always kills it in whatever she plays.

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     The movie had so many unique and intriguing scenes in it. The opening scene did a great job in setting up the plot for the film. Every one in my theater was like "Oh shit" when young Adelaide first saw her doppelgänger, and then the movie went right to the opening credits. That was an amazing transition. Another scene I liked is after the power goes out in the family's home, Jason says, "There's a family in our driveway." I got chills when he said that, and I knew right there that I was going to be in for quite the ride. Then, that scene was followed by the interrogation scene where Red is staring at Adelaide with that scary-ass stare. Oh my God, that really messed me up the whole time. But my favorite scene in the movie was when the main family's friends are murdered. I loved how the scene had no music over it. I mean, I knew that family was going to die, but I did not think that they were going to die that quickly. After the family is killed, their doppelgänger's all stare at each other and give a nod of approval to each other. That whole scene was spectacular; whoever directed that scene deserves recognition. 

     Ok. The one thing that I really did not "enjoy" in the film was the ending. Let me rephrase that. I did like the ending; however, I saw it coming. In the beginning of the film, I somewhat knew that that was not the real Adelaide that came back. I knew that her doppelgänger had switched with her. Every one was raving about the "twist" ending, but I was not shocked, so my rating of the film went down a little bit after that. I did like the ending as a whole, though. That whole dance sequence at the end of the movie was beautifully acted and choreographed. I appreciated that a lot about the ending. Also, it made sense that bad Adelaide had the ability to switch with the real Adelaide because they were the only two that the experiment worked for. Duh. I couldn't believe I did not pick up on that.

Image result for us movie      There are a few ways to interpret this movie. I interpreted as us (no pun intended) not appreciating the world to our fullest extent. The Tethered appreciated the world above them since the world below them did not contain any happiness or free will. The Tethered reaching across the world means to me that they will appreciate the land above not like the humans did. Also, I realized that the scissors being used as the Tethered's weapons symbolized "cutting the thread of humanity". There are so many details and symbols throughout this film that I will probably notice as I rewatch the film as it comes out. I was a bit confused of how good Adelaide became bad and how bad Adelaide became good. I think it goes to show that the people above really were the good people and the people below really were that evil. That is why bad Adelaide became good and forgot her past as original Red and why the original Adelaide became bad and forgot her past. It totally juxtaposes what Red was telling Adelaide about the Tethered inheriting the Earth as it should be. Very smart of Jordan Peele. 

     Overall, this movie was very good. Would I go see it again for a second time? I think so. The beginning, middle, and even the ending are great in their own, unique way. There are many ways to interpret this movie, and that's ok. Jordan Peele even said that you can interpret the movie in your own way. I'll dock the movie some points for the ending because I saw the "twist" happening even though they made up for it with further explaining the twist. I will give the movie a 7.5/10. I highly recommend you go see the movie yourself and take what you interpret the movie as telling to its audience.

Thank you for reading my thoughts of Us. Did you like or dislike the movie? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Monday, March 25, 2019

The Walking Dead: The Calm Before Thoughts

     I cannot believe I am about to say this, but I think The Walking Dead has found its groove again. This whole season has been a delight and a return to form for the series. There have been I believe a total of maybe two episodes this season that I have not enjoyed which says a lot considering there were only like two episodes in the last two seasons that I did enjoy. Angela Kang, thank you for making this show good again. I really thought I was going to dread watching this season, but I look forward to watching the show every week again, which hasn't happened in a long ass time. The episode that premiered last night will go down as a top five Walking Dead episode. I knew the ending scene was coming from a mile away, but I had no idea who would be getting the chop.

     First off, I would like to commend the pacing of this episode. There were slow parts and fast parts, just like how I like an episode of any show I watch. I thought the beginning did an excellent job in setting up the suspense for the ending. The beginning is very calm and everyone in the Kingdom seems to be having a good time at the fair, but then you see a woman in the background being very sneaky: Alpha. She cleans up well; she looked like a totally different person. It was eerie to watch because I have read the comic books, and I knew at some point she was luring residents away and killing them. I loved the part where Lydia was in the movie theater and Alpha sits next to her and shushes her. It was just a very creepy scene.

Image result for the walking dead the calm before

     That horde of zombies that were below Daryl and Alpha...Holy crap! Is that the most number of zombies together? It has to surpass the amount in the Season 6 premiere episode, but there were whisperers down there leading them, so maybe it was not. Who knows, but what we do know is that our lead group of characters are in it deep. Now, let's get to what you came here to read: that ending scene. Wow! It was done very well. I liked the lead up of the characters' importance to the show in general. First, it was the highwayman Ozzy and one of his henchman? I mean we just met them, but I thought we would get a lot more of Ozzy, at least. That took me by surprise. I knew that Savior was going to die. That was a no brainer. I had no idea that Frankie was one of Negan's wives! I completely forgot about that! Tammy's death was sad, but not shocking at the same time. They have been building her up all season, so I knew she was toast. Two of the three teenagers also died. I mean they were assholes, especially the boy, but there deaths were still significant since they were young teenagers. Then, we see Enid and at the same time that horrifying, yet beautiful music is playing in the background. I loved the back and forth of the loved ones trying to ask around if they have seen their deceased loved ones. That was a great touch. I wish they would have done more with Enid after Carl died, but that's Scott Gimple for you. Then, we see Tara's head is on a pike. I was actually surprised considering that she just became leader of Hilltop, and in the comics it is Rosita who dies instead because there is no Tara in the comics. I thought the last victim was going to be Ezekiel because he dies this way in the comics as well, but no it's Henry! That was shocking because I thought he was going to represent the new generation of the Walking Dead universe and plus this whole back half of the season has really been about him, but I guess not now. The acting done by Michonne and Carol in particular was amazing You could see the terror in Michonne's face. Amazing! Also, did anyone see when Daryl held Carol after she realized Henry had been killed? Does that bring back memories to when he held her after she saw Sophia as a zombie? Good call back!
Image result for the walking dead the calm before

     I liked the way these characters went out, though. They went out fighting, and it lets the viewers know that these people did care for one another even though they really never had contact with one another. Siddiq did a good job delivering that speech. All in all, ya'll this episode is a must watch. Was this the Red Wedding of The Walking Dead? No, because the Red Wedding is still one of if not the most shocking scenes in TV history for the fact that basically half of the main family was killed off as well as it was the main story line of the show. This was still a great and memorable television moment, though. I hope next episode is as good as this one was, but I am expecting a cliffhanger or something of that sort. Sigh.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on the episode! What did you think of this episode? What do you think of this season? Let me know!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Shameless: Season 9 Finale- Emmy Rossum's Departure

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Fiona (Emmy Rossum) packs her bags as she prepares to leave her home.


     I was able to watch the season nine finale of Showtime's Shameless earlier in the day for some strange reason. I am not sure why. I have been able to watch this whole season a day before it premiered on television, which is super convenient for me because The Walking Dead has been on at the same time. So, thank you Showtime for releasing the episodes early. I guess I am a special viewer or something? I don't know. It will always be a mystery to me. Ok. Back to what I was writing about. The Shameless season nine finale. If you read one of my previous blogs, I really went in on the recent seasons of Shameless, particularly this one. I have hated the direction the writers have been taking us for the past three seasons, and this season took the cake; however, the past few episodes have been decent including this one. I have mainly positive opinions on Emmy Rossum's departure, but there  is one small detractor.

     Aspects of the episode I liked (not including the main plot of Emmy Rossum departing from the cast) were Ethan Cutkosky's acting when he says he will always be a loser. I never saw Carl's character get that upset about something before, let alone being upset with himself. Plus, another positive was him screaming in Debbie's face. I hate Debbie, but you all already know that and probably agree with me. I really liked the scene where Liam is asking permission to live at his friends' house while his family ignores him. That was a funny little scene even though that whole storyline just felt odd to me. The last thing I liked about the finale was when Fiona visited Ian in prison. Maybe it was a little too soon to see him again especially since he left not too long ago, but that's okay. I appreciated Ian being the one to get Fiona to leave Chicago and start a new life for herself. It was a great scene, and I am really excited to have Cameron Monaghan return next season.

     Let's discuss the aspects of the episode I did not like such as Debbie and Carl vandalizing Kelly's car. There really was not a need for that considering Kelly didn't really do anything to them to warrant that type of behavior. Typical Debbie. Ugh. This whole storyline with Debbie and Carl trying to win over Kelly has been exhausting to watch. So boring. Kelly has not been intriguing to me this whole season. I could not care less for her. Speaking of people I could not care less for, let's talk about Tami. Honestly, Tami might be one of the worst characters I have ever witnessed in television history. The way she treats people around her is truly awful. Lip has been nothing but kind to her and all she does in return is bitch and moan. I feel like the producers tried to get the audience to understand why she is the way she is because she ended up with the BRCA gene. Uh, yea no. Just because you are carrying a disease that is very serious, does not give you a reason to act like a brat and an ass to everyone. I'm sorry, it doesn't. I have known so many people that have had serious diseases, but instead of being negative about it, they turn it into a positive and live their life to the fullest. Tami did and does not. Lip needs to run away from her next season, but he won't considering now she is going to have the baby. Tami, please be written off the show next season. Thanks.

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Fiona (Emmy Rossum) makes her decision to leave Chicago.

Ok. Let's get to the main story of the episode. Fiona Gallagher's departure. Is it me or should they have focused on her more? She is and was the heart of this show. Every action she made or her family made impacted her and how she dealt with it. They made this feel like a side plot, even though it was intended to be the main plot. That is my detractor from her departure. I'll let it slide though, because I actually think the writers did an average job in the way they handled it, and in today's Shameless seasons, average translates to above average. I wish all the siblings could have properly said goodbye to Fiona, but what are you gonna do? Fiona did what was best for her. She could not take the time to say goodbye because she knew she would not end up leaving. I loved how the writers handled Frank saying goodbye to her. At first, I thought we would get shitty writing where Frank would get really emotional and say how sorry he was to see her go and to just shower her with compliments on how she raised his kids, but I am glad they went the opposite approach. Yes, we saw Frank get a little emotional. You could see the tears in his eyes, but of course he did not show Fiona that he was sad. He also did thank Fiona, but he really did not at the same time. He said she only really "helped out" rather than doing everything. It was very in character for Frank to be a complete douche, so I have to give an A+ to the writers on that one. The ending scene with Fiona boarding the plane was also a nice touch the episode. Both Fiona and the little girl that sits next to her have never been on an airplane before. The little girl compares to the grown Fiona in that they are both inexperienced with life beyond what is in front of them, but they both will finally find out. Again, good job writers. Never thought I would give the writers so much praise on a recent Shameless episode.

     Emmy Rossum leaving is a major lose to the show. I do not think the show can afford a hug blow especially with ratings and quality declining. Fiona was the heart of the show, and there is going to be a major void in the next season. Hopefully next season is its last, so the audience does not have to experience that void of a missing Fiona. Emmy, you killed it on this show! I hated what they did to your character for the recent episodes, and I am glad they fixed you up before you departed. We will miss you and I hope you do not stay away from the show a long time!

     Thank you for reading my Shameless season finale blog. What did you think of the finale and Fiona's departure? Leave a comment! Thank you!

Ranking "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" Seasons

    We're moving right along with these season rankings of The Real Housewives franchise. Next stop on our rankings comes The Real House...