Monday, May 24, 2021

Ranking "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" Seasons


     Over the past year or so, I developed an obsession with The Real Housewives franchise. The shows have kept my mental state stable ever since the pandemic hit. Since I have started my binge of the series, I have kept a ranking of each season of each respective franchise. In honor of the eleventh season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey ending this week, I have decided that I will rank this series first. The New Jersey Housewives are gaudy and delusional, yet wildly entertaining, so I had a difficult time ranking each season because most of the seasons are pretty decent. The show has never truly had an awful season, except season six, of course. I will rank each season from worst to best. Let's get to the ranking!

11. Season 6

     I mean, really? If you do not think that this is the worst season of RHONJ, then we need to have a serious discussion. Not only is this the worst season of RHONJ, but it's one of the worst seasons across the entire franchise. From an unlikable and almost too trashy cast to forgettable storylines, this season was a train wreck that you almost always wanted to look away from and did. The Marcheses are awful and unbearable right from the first scene you meet them. Also, they treated their son like scum after the show once he came out to them, so that taints my view of them even more. Teresa was completely checked out of this season, and rightfully so since she would be going to prison soon after. The twins were attention hogs, and the audience could not distinguish the two. Dina Manzo makes her return after a three-season hiatus, only for her to quit once again at the reunion. The whole season was just a mess, and many fans just wanted the show to be cancelled due to how abysmal the season was. Next case. 

10. Season 3

     This season was decent. That is all I can say about it. The premiere episode with the Gorga's christening was one of the most explosive events across all Housewives cities. It encapsulates why I love reality television. I did like the introduction of the Giudice vs. Gorga feud, but they were mostly in a standoff the entire season. They did not really fight too much. They only threw passive aggressive digs at each other. Teresa's disdain of sprinkle cookies entered Housewives lore which is pretty hilarious. 

     I think this season was the worst in terms of the Giudice/Gorga story arc as it lasted another two seasons after this. This is definitely not a bad season, but it's not groundbreaking either. Moving on. 

9. Season 5

     This season concludes the Giudice/Gorga feud. I think I rate this season above season three because there is a satisfying ending to all of the chaos and confusion that the two families put each other through. Joe Giudice and Joe Gorga finally get into a physical altercation after three seasons of gibes and threats towards one another, which became a classic scene in RHONJ. This was also the final season for Caroline Manzo, and I think she went out in a pleasurable way as she was an impetus for the two families forgiving each other. I was just really excited that the feud between the two parties ended because the storyline was beginning to be really tiring to myself and the audiences as well. It was a decent season overall. Let's get to the next season. 

8. Season 7  

     Season 7 is known as a transitional season between the two RHONJ eras. The season begins with Teresa's release from prison, giving us one of the most emotional scenes of the series when she reunites with her daughters. Another iconic scene is when Teresa indirectly fires her cousins from the show by refusing to interact with them anymore. It was so satisfying to see those two get their comeuppance. Jacqueline Laurita also makes her return this season as a slightly more unhinged version of herself. Ok. More like a lot more unhinged. The season suffers from the two newbies, Dolores and Siggy, trying to play peacemakers rather than getting involved in the drama. However, when there was drama, it was dynamic and explosive. Thankfully the succeeding season brought the viewers into a new era for the franchise. 

7. Season 1

     The season that started it all places at the seventh best season of the show. Season 1 is definitely one of the best freshman seasons of all the Housewives shows. Even if you are not familiar with these reality shows, everyone has seen the gif of Teresa flipping over the table. It is a pop culture moment for the ages. 

     Though the drama was not anything too volatile, Danielle Staub's disdain for fellow housewife Dina Manzo is hilariously entertaining. The season exposes us to Staub's tumultuous past as someone who was ensnared in a kidnapping crime, revealing the darkness that some of women have in their personal lives. I was actually on Staub's side during most of the season due to my belief that the other women were ganging up on her; however, the revelation of Danielle trying to have Dina's child taken away from her was quite below the belt, even if fascinating.

6. Season 11

     The most recently aired season of RHONJ ranks right in the middle of all the seasons. What I have noticed about this season is that it was a very polarizing watch. Some fans were smitten with it while other fans loathed it. I personally really enjoyed it. I think the Jersey Shore dinner from hell episode is one of the best episodes of all time. Everyone (except Dolores) got involved in the drama that episode, and it was mesmerizing as a Housewives fan. The second half did not include that many energetic fights; however, I still admired the group dynamics that the women showed. I was enamored with the way in which the women's personal storylines affected the group drama. We do not really see that too much anymore on these shows, so it was nice to see these personal stories play a prominent part in group settings. I believe that Season 11 will age better in the long run because it really was a tremendously intriguing season of the series

5. Season 4

     Season 4 is like The Empire Strikes Back of the Giudice/Gorga feud trilogy. It's the second installment, and it runs circles around its predecessor in terms of quality. The drama ramps up when compared to the previous season. Teresa and Melissa almost get physical with each other. Caroline and Jacqueline turn against Teresa. Teresa is accused of starting a rumor that Melissa was a stripper in her past, leading to one of the most intense reunions of all time as Teresa takes on her other four castmates by herself. Not to mention that the Napa Valley trip is all kinds of wacky. Season 4 is exceptional, and it solidified my love for this particular franchise. 

4. Season 10

     This season marks the final appearance of Danielle Staub as a friend of the housewives. Season 10 is a continuation of the carnage that the women left at the end of season 9. Danielle and Margaret continue their heated rivalry leading to one of the most iconic moments in reality television history when Danielle pulls Margaret's hair and drags her for several seconds. This altercation leads to the shocking, yet believable revelation that Teresa was the one behind Danielle pulling Margaret's hair as the fourth wall is broken due to Teresa being mad at production for using the footage to "expose" her. The Housewives franchise never used this technique in terms of storytelling before, so it was incredibly jarring to see them do this. Also, Jennifer continues her shenanigans of messing with the other women for the hell of it which is always commendable on a reality show.  Season 10 is a brilliant chapter in the new RHONJ age.

3. Season 9

     Three words come to mind when season 9 is brought up. The Cabo Dinner. Who can forget Margaret throwing wine at Danielle for talking about her children? Who can forget Danielle then trying to kill Margaret with a wine glass? It is such a masterpiece of a train wreck. Season 9 saw the two strong additions of Jackie and Jennifer who were at each other's throats due to Jackie writing a commentary on Jennifer spoiling her children. Also, we finally witness Teresa attain a new enemy in Jackie as she hits Teresa's nerves of talking about her ex-husband. There are just so many iconic feuds and fights in this season that makes it so spectacular. Jackie and Jennifer really breathed fresh air into the franchise. 

2. Season 8

     Though Siggy Flicker turned out to be a piece of you-know-what in real life due to her spewing false conspiracies, she managed to be a catalyst for the majority of the drama in this season. In season 7, she tried to be peacemaker, only to transform into a total monster during this season over not being included in a trivial event. (That's all I wanted!!!! Anyone?) She was totally unhinged, and it made for excellent television, even if she did get grating after awhile. Danielle Staub also made her grand return in this season, and she did not waste any time getting the mess started. One of her most iconic moments on the show is having a temper tantrum due to Siggy calling her out of her name to which Danielle then throws multiple wine glasses in a restaurant in Italy. We also witness the Posche fashion show debacle where Teresa famously makes up her own acronym for Posche. Margaret also makes her RHONJ debut by immediately developing a feud with Siggy. Dolores finally pulls her weight on the cast by calling Danielle a "scumbag." There is not a single filler episode in this season, and it cemented the new age of RHONJ as being bright.

1. Season 2

     Without a doubt, season 2 is the best season of not only RHONJ but all of the Housewives shows. Danielle Staub continues her wrath and delusions from season 1 and ups the antics to a 100. Though the other four women barely interact with Danielle throughout the season, the times in which they do are compelling and historic reality television moments. Teresa and Jacqueline chase Danielle through a restaurant when they encounter her to where Jacqueline's daughter then pulls Danielle's hair. Danielle makes fan-favorite housewife Dina quit the show due to Danielle's delusions of Dina being out to get her. We witness the deluded Kim G. play both sides between the women, showing up at Jacqueline's house multiple times much to Jacqueline's annoyance. Danielle hires bodyguards to follow her wherever she goes for the majority of the season, showcasing how criminally insane she is. Finally, the finale features a mafia styled sit down between the highly sanctimonious Caroline and the deranged Danielle, giving social media the famous "You're a clown" gif. This season is the pinnacle of reality television due to the fantastic casting, wonderful production, and shocking moments. The Real Housewives franchise will never be this raw and berserk ever again which makes this season even more special than it already is

Thank you for reading my ranking of the RHONJ seasons. It is always great to escape from real life by watching people make complete buffoons of themselves on television for our viewing pleasures. I will be making other rankings for the other series, so stay tuned for those rankings! Have a great rest of your day, and be kind to one another out there! 

Ranking "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" Seasons

    We're moving right along with these season rankings of The Real Housewives franchise. Next stop on our rankings comes The Real House...