Saturday, June 29, 2019

Toy Story 4 Review

     Well Toy Story 4 was a childhood ruiner. Ok. Ok. I feel as if I'm going too far with saying that. The truth of the matter is that the movie wasn't bad, overall. Actually I thought the movie as a whole was pretty good. The highs of the movie were probably some of the highest highs I have seen in the entire franchise, but man when there were lows, there were low lows. In 2010 after I had seen Toy Story 3 in theaters, I was astonished by what I had just watched. The movie was perfect, and it brought the franchise to what I thought was a perfect ending. When they announced Toy Story 4 was happening, I was nervous, but excited at the same time. 9/10 times Pixar usually make their films correctly, so I had high hopes for the film. Like I said, the film as a whole is above average. The animation is beautiful. Most of the new toys were cool, and I just genuinely like the Toy Story setting. But as I said, the lows were so low. I'm going to talk about main points that I liked and disliked about the film.

Image result for toy story 4
Things I liked:

- I loved the opening scene where the film shows us how Bo was taken away from Andy's house, and I really liked the little cameo by R.C. Right off the bat, the movie gets emotional when Woody does not join Bo in leaving. It gives us a promising start to the movie.

- The addition of Forky was great. When I first saw that there was a new toy made from a fork, I thought it was so corny, but I thought Forky provided great comic relief throughout the film, and it wasn't overbearing. I liked when he he and the toys were about to leave the store, he murmured "He is so creepy." Things like that is what I liked about Forky.

- The antique store provided a fresh, great setting to the franchise. I would have never thought Pixar would have something with an antique store, but they did and it worked. It had a very creepy feel to it especially when Woody and Forky first arrived there. The creepy music and dummies gave me tension. I actually think it might be the best setting of the four films. Also, just the character of Gabby Gabby alone was great. Christina Hendricks did such a fantastic job as Gabby Gabby. Her story arc in the film was maybe the best one.

- The last aspect about the film that I really enjoyed was Bo Peep's transformation since we last saw her in Toy Story 2. She got a new look, and her character was given so much more depth and emotion to her. When I saw Toy Story 3, I was bummed when it was revealed the Bo was no longer with the group, so I was glad that this movie was going to bring her back and show us her whereabouts.

     Those were the very positive things that I liked about the movie. Now let's talk about the movie's negatives. First up is Bonnie. Yes, Bonnie as a character overall. Oh my God. She is insufferable. I felt good about her after the ending of Toy Story 3, and I thought she was a respectful replacement for Andy, but man, did the filmakers mess up her character royally Andy wanted a promise from her that she would take care of all of his toys, but overall he wanted her to look out for Woody, and she doesn't at all. She completely ignores him and doesn't pay him any attention. This basically takes the last movie's ending and makes it null. I thought it was such bad writing, and it really made me angry at Pixar for what they did with Bonnie's character.

     Now, let's get to that ending. Eyeroll. That's all I did. Yes, I get it. Woody no longer had a purpose with Bonnie due to cringey storytelling, but the other toys' goodbyes to him felt so rushed to me. If this had been the last film (which I don't think it will be), then that last scene with those characters together was so not memorable. I feel incomplete that these toys that have been together for all of these years are not together anymore. I wish Pixar would have just the toys go on a roundtrip with Bonnie, and they meet Bo Peep again and she joins them. Honestly, that sounds very simple, but I would have much preferred that rather than Woody splitting up from his original group to join Bo Peep in saving "lost toys."

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     Those were my biggest issues with the movie. There are a few more that I won't really talk about because they are quite small, but those negatives about the movie brings this film down significantly. I really wish that Toy Story 3 was the last film because I thought it brought a touching end to the franchise, but this movie really just cancelled out that movie for me and that is extremely disappointing. Like I said, the great things about this movie are extraordinary. I probably would have had this movie at an 8.5 or 9 had the things I really hated about the film not been in it, but since there were really bad things about the movie, I am going to give the movie a 7/10. I hope that if they do a 5th movie, they try to correct their mistakes from this one and maybe have Woody and the gang reunite again. Then again, that would just negate the ending to this film. Maybe it's better for us to forget the ending of this film or for us to forget what a giant turd Bonnie was.

Thank you for reading my review of Toy Story 4. If you want, please leave a comment about the film!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Big Brother 21: Two Night Premiere Thoughts

     Well. Big Brother season is here. The two night premiere is over and now the game is afoot. I am going to give my thoughts on each of the houseguests as well as the twists. I like the majority of the cast so far, but I couldn't care less about the twists they threw in.

     Let's start with Jackson aka "Blockhead Gumby." I cannot stand him. His "poor me" attitude is getting real old, real fast. I don't know why he is complaining about being the camp counselor when he volunteered to be it. Did anyone else notice him flexing to the camera in this second episode? The cringe is at an all-time high with him. His whole "bro" persona is a "been there, done that" schtick that I am really tired of seeing on the show to be honest. I am hoping he goes him pre-jury along with his "bro" Jack.

     Jack is also getting on my nerves. I think he's going to one of those guys that thinks winning competitions is the only form of gameplay. I think he's going to get in a showmance (ugh) and go far, but I hope him and Jackson get split up ASAP. The only person I like the "bro" alliance is Nick because I think he has a good head on his shoulders. I was interested in his pre-season interviews, and I like that he is a child therapist. It's really cool.

     I like both Tommy and Christie even though Tommy is very over the top. I think it's very smart for them to keep them knowing each other a secret. They can easily take other alliances and trade information they receive from them to each other. Tommy is a big fan of the show, so I hope he uses his knowledge of the game to his advantage. Christie is going to be a very good competitor. Hell, she won the first HOH competition. I think she will be in a very good position throughout the game since she will have Tommy in her corner and if that six-person alliance stays together, she'll probably be safe within their reaches.

     Another person I really like is Isabella. She seems like she will be calculated in her decision-making, and I hope she will be a "silent assassin" within' the house. Holly is ok for me. I'm hoping she's a badass and she has the chops for this game. We'll see. Other players I like are Cliff, who impressed me tonight in the competition, Kemi, who is giving me life with her diary room sessions, and Analyse, who hasn't been shown that much, bu she seems cool.

     Kathryn can go home. There are rumors going around that she has a showmance with Jackson aka "Blockhead Gumby" aka "Mitchie", so hopefully Christie gets rid of her this week. Nicole backstabbed the women's alliance. This sounds awfully similar to Nicole in BB18, who is one of my least favorite winners ever, so don't be surprised if Nicole goes after the women. Jessica is playing too hard to fast, and I hate her in the diary room, but I am sure one of these twists will be given to her in some capacity. And let's get to Sam. To be honest I think he's going to be this season's Matt from BB19. Someone that coasts throughout the game without doing a goddamn thing. His diary rooms make me want to throw myself in front of a train. He may prove me wrong, but as of now, he can go.

     Let's talk about David for a second. I hate night 1 evictions. They are so unfair to people who have done three months of paperwork to get on the show. I knew David was gone when they realeased the cast group photo where David was photoshopped in. It was terrible. Plus, he's getting a chance to return to the house, so what was the point in doing a night 1 eviction? Ugh. It's so frustrating, but I loved how he wanted to represent the African American community. He'll probably come back. He shouldn't win, but I would like to see him play the game.

     This leads us into the twists so far. I thought it was unfair for Jackson to have to piss off four people, but then he started to be a dick, so I liked how it made people mad at him. I wish BB went back to the older days where they just went right into the first HOH competition. Pre-season there were rumors that everyone in the house had someone they knew in the outside, and I was ecstatic. They did this twist in season six and eight, and it worked both times, but it seems only Christie and Tommy are the only two that know each other? I know that isn't true since Twitter has figured out that other people in the house know each other. If it turns out that this is mere coincidence, then Robyn, the casting director, should be fired immediately. There are 330 million people in the world, and they mistakenly cast people who knew each other? That is pure laziness. The last twist that Julie announced tonight was the "Whacktivity Competition." God. I hate production twists so much. There only in the game to give their favorites an advantage in the game. I'm sure it'll give someone twenty-five weeks of safety or something like that or it'll be given to someone to nominate a third person for eviction. Either choice is shit. I hope it goes away ASAP, and production just lets these people play the game.

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     As a whole, these two episodes were decent. I really hope this season is good, but who knows considering BB20 was good. Lightning doesn't strike twice. I hope these people really go balls to the wall and play their asses off. I want to see strategy, fights, and blindsides every episode I watch. Please BB gods make this happen!

Thank you for reading my thoughts on BB21. What are your thoughts and opinions? Leave a comment!

Ranking "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" Seasons

    We're moving right along with these season rankings of The Real Housewives franchise. Next stop on our rankings comes The Real House...