Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Survivor: Edge of Extinction Premiere Thoughts

     What a shitty mess of a Survivor premiere episode. Look I went into this episode with very low expectations because I do not need a crystal ball to predict that this season is going to be complete garbage, but this episode was one of the worst premiere's the show has had. Yes, even worse than the premiere episode of Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers, and that is saying a lot. First, I would like to discuss this rigga morris "twist" that Jeff Probst has thrown into the game. Hard-core fans of the show are not stupid ya'll; the Facebook cat lady casuals are, but the super fans are not. The twist is only in this season to give the returning players a chance to get back into the game in case they are voted out just like it was for Redemption Island and South Pacific, but Jeff Probst has said "Oh, we just like to experiment with new twists to give the fans something new." Jeff Probst is a obviously a liar just like when he said that twist for Ben in season 35 was not there to save him. Bullshit. It was. Jeff Probst has ruined Survivor. The show has had good seasons with him as executive producer, but when the show has had bad seasons, they have been absolute trash.

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Aside from the god awful "twist" this season has, let's discuss this uninspiring cast we met tonight. Wow! Two purple edits tonight! Are we surprised? No. Julia and Chris have no shot of winning this season. Every one knows that the winner of the season always gets a confessional in the premiere episode (except for Tina, but that was in Australia (season 2). Like the producers could not have given us a confessional from either of them to at least give their opinions on other tribemates? Such lazy editing. Rick is going to get on my last nerves this season. I do not understand these people. Almost every season we see a nerd or a guy with a "great" Southern charm go far, and these people never take them out. They would be my first target because I know Jeff and production are going to do everything in their power to keep them safe in the game. Jeff is already calling Rick "Devens". That is a huge insight into the game. Jeff is trying to make this guy a thing, but this guy was such an ass hat tonight, that I am heavily rooting against him. Wardog was a douche. I hate how casting always has to cast a "Tony" player. Cast original people, not people who resemble others. Wendy is such an awful player. I liked her discussing her tourettes, but other than that...just no. She can go. Lauren is forgettable. Bye. Ron found an advantage. Insert the Da'Vonne gif of her pretending to be shocked. I did not need an eight ball to see that happening. Reem was such a predictable first boot, and the editors were trying to play it up like Wendy could have gone home. She was absolutely horrible at the game, and I hope she does not come back in. Honestly I am getting more mad talking about these people, so I am not going to waste my breath on any more of them. The only person I liked tonight was Aubry. I do not shit on Michele as a winner because I actually think she was deserving of winning, but Aubry would have been better. I think it would be great if she won this season even though it would be smart for the new players to get her out as soon as possible because she is a great Survivor player. So #TeamAubry.

     I don't know guys. This episode was just bad. It really was. It does not make me want to watch the rest of the season, but I'm going to, anyways. I may just hate watch it like I did with Ghost Island. I really am rooting for a woman to win this season. I am so sick of the same type of people winning season after season. And no, if there is a guy that is there in the end of the game and they played better than the girl, then the guy should win, but I am hoping for once that that does not happen. I am predicting another bad season of the show, and it really sucks considering David v. Goliath was an excellent season, overall (even though I think Mike should have won over Nick; he ran circles around him in the game). Let me know what you thought of this premiere! We'll see if I write more thoughts on the season, I am not sure. I will definitely do one for the finale!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Finale Review

Image result for celebrity big brother 2 winner

     Wow! What a finale I just witnessed! So many great moments to another great season of Big Brother. Headed into the finale, I was really rooting for Kandi to win, but I had a feeling she would be leaving based on the feeds I watched yesterday. Kandi was an amazing player this season. She went from really just being a houseguest that was there, to a houseguest who at one point took the bull by the horns. She hopped on board Tom's train when he was HOH., and controlled his nominations where she got who she wanted out. Amazing! I was sad when she was evicted, but she was such a class act that I knew she was going to be okay in the long run especially since Ricky gave two shits about evicting her. Talk about straight to the point and blunt.

     This whole final five I thought was pretty decent. Were almost half of them a bit unlikable? Yes, but remember the friendship were unlikable in season six, but I respected their gameplay especially Maggie's. Dina was funny in some parts of the season, but she was just a dead body that these houseguest were dragging around. The sad part is that she would have won the season if she was in the final two. Yea, let that sink in. She did take her eviction with grace, though so I will give her that.
Lolo, oh dear Lolo. You're crazy girl. This whole season revolved around Lolo being an emotional mess. Any little thing would set Lolo off, and I was just like wtf?! She is crazy; however, I did think she played an okay game. Was it perfect? Hell to the no. Far from it. But she had some good moves which helped her throughout the season. But boy was she pissed when Ricky evicted her. I would too, but I do not think I would be bitter. The audience clapping and being in disbelief was everything! Oh my God! So many good reactions! I hope Lolo stays off of social media for a while; she is not very liked from fans. Ricky I thought also played a very good strategic game; however, his social game was piss poor. Dear God. He should have at least been a little more nicer to Dina, Lolo, and Kandi when he evicted them, but I guess he did not know any better! Big mistake. All in all his gameplay was decent. He made the girls split from their initial alliance, and I think he really came through at the end of the game with spearheading decisions.

     Now. Let's get to Tamar Braxton, our winner. Wow! What an amazing game she played. She had her highs and she had her lows, but her highs outweighed her lows. She floated when she had to. Yes, floated not coasted, she played both sides and set herself up nicely in the middle, so no one would come after her. She had some great moves like splitting up Tom and Kato, she won the power and smartly hid it from her other houseguests, she turned Lolo and Natalie against Kato and Tom, which was brilliant. She also won crucial competitions when she needed to, and she developed relationships when they needed to be mended. Also, I loved her relationship with Kandi, and it was beautiful when Kandi cast her vote for her. Also, Tamar provided great answers to the jury, and that is what they wanted to hear. She was real unlike Ricky who maybe thought he had it in the bag. Tamar also is the 2nd US winner to win in a unanimous vote after season ten winner Dan Gheesling way back in 2008. She deserved it, and she played a kickass game. This is also the first season where a black person has won, and 4 out of the final 5 were black. History was made and it was fantastic to see this happen on Black History Month. Also, congrats to Tom Green for winning AFP. He seems like a very nice guy, and he was given a hard time in the house. He's a cool dude.

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     This season of Big Brother was amazing. I think season one was a smidge better, but this season was still very good. There was so much drama, gameplay, great casting, and decent competitions. I do not understand the fans who did not like this season, yet these are the same people who liked Big Brother 15 which the main theme of the season was racism. It shows how two-faced and hypocritical some of these fans are. I am really hoping they renew the celebrity version for a third season because both seasons have been so much better than the regular show. I am looking forward to Big Brother 21. I hope it is even better than Big Brother 20 was.

     Thank you all for reading my review on the finale of Celebrity Big Brother 2. I hope you all liked the season. Leave a comment telling me your thoughts on the season. I would love to hear what you have to say.

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    We're moving right along with these season rankings of The Real Housewives franchise. Next stop on our rankings comes The Real House...