Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Survivor: David vs. Goliath Finale Power Rankings

Image result for survivor david vs goliath   

     Another amazing episode of Survivor just released, and I am so looking forward to this finale. This season has been a breath of fresh air after the overrated Millennials vs. Gen X, the boring Game Changers, the rigged Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, and the absolutely horrible Ghost Island. Though I am not a fan of advantages, this season has been an absolute treasure. I am going to provide my power rankings for who I want to win this season, and who I think will win this seas

Who I want to win:

6. Angelina- She is probably the most unaware player I have seen on Survivor in a long time. She thinks she is running the game when she has been the biggest coaster I have witnessed in my life. She thinks that she has created all of these big moves when she is really only following orders. Plus, she thinks getting rice for her tribe was a big game move. Sorry Angelina, but that has not been a game move in thirty seasons. Her edit is portraying her as a final tribal goat, so I am thankful for that. If she for some god forsaken reason wins this season, it will be such a slap in the face to fans who have praised this season.

5. Nick- You know I am really tired of seeing all of these same male archetypes winning season after season. Also, seeing men get 85% of the advantages and idols is mind-boggling to me. I call Rigga Morris somewhere, that's all I am gonna say. Nick has played a decent game, though, and the edit has portrayed him as having a very social and strategic game. Has it been a Brian Heidik, Todd Herzog, Kim Spradlin type of game? No. Far from it actually. I do think he would be a good winner, but seeing him win would just be a huge fart. I hope he goes before the next vote.

4. Mike- I am a very big fan of School of Rock, and I was a huge fan of Mike in that movie. I have also enjoyed Mike quite a bit this season, but I think him winning would not be that satisfying. He hasn't played a terrible game, but his game has been quite wishy-washy. He has tried to control votes, but only when he has known 100% that he was safe. I usually hate the middle players (unless you're Sarah Lacina and you're actively playing the middle), but like I said, Mike has been fun to watch. It would just be kind of a meh if he won this season.

3. Davie- This is quite unexpected for me to put him this high, but here it is. I think Davie is a smart player, but sometimes he executes plans in a not so good way. He had a good episode tonight, and I cheered when he wanted to go after Nick, but then all of a sudden he changes his mind at the last second because Nick was honest with him? Major facepalm. Though I was angry with him this episode, I do like him as a person. He is very intriguing and very interesting. I think he would make for a decent winner even though he only started popping off at final 9/8.

2. Alison- This is a controversial opinion, but I actually do not think Alison has played a bad game. She has survived the vote three times now, and I do not believe it is by luck. She has used her social connections to survive in the game, and that is how the game really should be looked upon. Remember back then when you actually had to use your social game to get past votes instead of trying to find as many advantages as you could? Alison has played a mix between an old and new school game. She is a very bright girl, and I hope she makes it to the end despite her lack of an edit.

1. Kara- This episode made me gain an appreciation of Kara. She is a very smart woman. She keeps information to herself when she needs to, and she gives information away when she needs to. I am glad that she is aware that spilling information that should not be spilled is potentially game-damaging. Kara has played behind the shadows when she has needed to, and she has stepped up to convince people to try to vote with her when she needed to. I am hoping she and Alison can make it to the final three together. I do not see it happening, but if it does, I will be extremely happy. #TeamKara

Since I have basically laid out people's pros and cons to winning this season of Survivor, I will not provide a description on why I think each person will win. Here is my list:

6. Alison
5. Angelina
4. Kara
3. Davie
2. Mike
1. Nick

I cannot wait for the finale next week. Whoever wins I am sure will represent this season well (except Angelina). This has been a great season, and I am happy we got to finally have one again because I know for a fact next season will be one of the worst seasons to date. Thank you for reading my Survivor power rankings! Who do you want and who do you think will win it all?

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