Wednesday, November 14, 2018

American Horror Story: Apocalypse Finale Review

Spoilers ahead!!!!

     So, I just finished the season finale of AHS: Apocalypse, and honestly, I had mixed feelings about it. There were things that I really liked and things that I disliked strongly. The review is not going to be a frame by frame opinion on every detail on the episode, but instead I will touch on the aspects that I had a strong feeling about.

     I really enjoyed the whole confrontation between Michael and the coven. The scene was very intense, and it provided so much heart from the witches that showed their true love for each other. I loved the return of Angela Bassett as Marie Laveau. It was a treat to see her and also a treat to see her kill Dinah, who was so irrelevant for most of the season, but I will get to her later. Cordelia sacrificing herself to save the world and her surviving witches was so powerful to see. I firmly believe that Sarah Paulson cemented Cordelia's legacy as one of the best American Horror Story characters.

Image result for ahs apocalypse finale jessica lange
     I was ecstatic to see Jessica Lange come back into the fold once again as the iconic Constance Langdon. Lange kills it in every scene, so I was not surprised to see her absolutely demolish her part when she tells Michael off and kicks him out of her home. I am going to fast forward to the end of the ending since I cannot say many positive things after Lange's appearance. I really liked the twist involving the two teenage know the teenagers that we have not seen since episode three... I respected Ryan Murphy for not forgetting about them since he seems to do that a lot. Them giving birth to the new Anti-Christ was cool I guess. I mean if you are going to import them back into the story, then it was a good twist, so I will give the ending a positive even though it is kind of just like a mehh...I mean I guess you can go there.

     Now onto the things I did not like. I knew I was not going to enjoy some aspects of the finale since an American Horror Story finale has never blown me away except for Asylum's. I hated seeing Evan Peters and Billy Eichner's characters again. I know it was not for a long time, but goodness those characters absolutely sucked. Ryan Murphy please stop trying to make Billy Eichner a thing of the show. He does not fit the genre of horror. Thank God Myrtle shut them the hell up, though. I hated the character of Dinah Stevens in this episode and basically the whole season. She was absolutely horrendous. Why Adina Porter's name was in the opening credits and not Frances Conroy's will always baffle me.

     Like I mentioned previously, I loved the whole battle scene between Michael and the witches, and even though I had issues with the time travel plot last episode, I was willing to make an exception this episode since it was incorporated into the plot. The whole episode seemed to be wrapping up quite nicely. Then, it happens. After Constance kicks Michael out of her house, the all-powerful Anti-Christ, Michael, is killed by Mallory, but not by a kickass spell, but by getting hit with a Subaru. What. The. Hell? That is how the Anti-Christ dies. I was half expecting him to get up and start laughing at the viewing audience, but no, that is really how Michael dies. A hit-and-run. At least Constance told him to go to hell after that. I really wish we could of at least seen Michael in hell since he took Marie Laveau's spot, but whatever. Side note: We also had Nan return only for her to want to return to hell, again? I don't know because this finale was messy as hell.

     So, in conclusion the finale of American Horror Story: Apocalypse was just ok. It was not complete garbage, but it was far from great. After an abysmal previous two episodes, I was not expecting much from the finale, and I was basically correct. In typical Ryan Murphy fashion, a lot of the audience was probably left scratching their heads, and I do not blame them. I am going to give the finale a 6.5/10. Later this week, I will post my American Horror Story season rankings. Where will Apocalypse rank? I don't know; I have not made up my mind yet.

     Thank you for reading my thoughts and feelings towards the finale of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. Despite the amount of shit I give this show, I will always have a soft spot for it. Also, this season did have the best episode of the entire series, in my opinion, which was "Return to Murder House". Leave your thoughts in the comments. See you next time!


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