Tuesday, August 6, 2019

My Top 10 Favorite Disney World Rides


I'm going to try to do something a little bit different today. We're going to take a break from talking TV, and instead talk about something that is just as exciting and that is Disney. I just returned home from my Disney vacation, and it had me thinking: What are my most favorite rides? There are so many that I love with only a handful that I do not think fondly of, so I made a list of my top ten favorite Disney World rides. This was a fun list to put together, and I really enjoyed stepping out of the TV realm for this one, so I hope you enjoy! I will rank my rides starting at number 10 (the lowest) and move on from there.

10. Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover
     The PeopleMover is a very special ride to Disney World. It is one of the oldest rides in the Magic Kingdom. While not a thrilling ride or very exciting ride, the attraction takes a fascinating journey through Tomorrowland. It travels through show buildings, Space Mountain, etc. The ride is just a classic Walt Disney attraction. I have been riding it since probably 2006, and it has remained one of the most unique experiences at the Disney World parks. While the ride's audio has changed over the years, the premise has remained the same. The ride is also a perfect way to cool off and relax without wasting some of your day at the park. The ride almost has little to no wait throughout the day, so it's a guarantee that anyone can get on as long as it is not broken down.

9. Dinosaur

     This is probably a very unpopular opinion especially to many die-hard super fans of Disney. Many people dislike this ride. I, however, have always enjoyed this attraction. The riders are put on a time machine where they must save an Iguanodon before the dinosaurs go extinct, but things go awry in the midst of this chaos. The ride design system is a classic invention and has been copied by many other theme parks through the years. Also, the ride is terrifying and extremely loud which is very unusual for a Disney ride. I always have to hold my ears at least once every time I have gone on the ride. Dinosaur has been rumored to close for several years now with rumors flying around of an Indiana Jones ride taking its spot, much like the one in Disneyland. I would be very disappointed because the theming of dinosaurs fits so much better in Animal Kingdom than Indiana Jones does.

8. Kilimanjaro Safaris

     Our number eight spot also is set in Animal Kingdom. Kilimanjaro Safaris takes riders through a  jungle trek in a recreated African setting in Harambe. The most special aspect about this ride is that no two rides are the same. Real animals are used in this ride, so it's beautiful to get to see them up close and personal in a habitat that they can give peacefully in. When I rode the ride this year, I was fortunate enough to see baby giraffes playing with gazelles. Where else do you get to see this? In Africa of course, but I can't think of anywhere else. I feel as if this ride encompasses what Animal Kingdom is truly about. Disney wants us to be kind and to reach out and help animals that are endangered, and they do an excellent job conveying this message through this attraction. It truly is a one in a kind theme park attraction that sends a good message to those who experience it.

7. Expedition Everest

     Another Animal Kingdom attraction claims the seventh spot in my top ten Disney World rides. If I am not mistaken I think this is the last Disney ride to not be based off of any previous material, and that was in 2006. You just don't get intellectual property from Disney anymore, unfortunately. On Expedition Everest, a runaway train takes you through Mt. Everest where you come face to face with the Yeti. This ride has always held a special place in my heart because I was lucky enough to see the Yeti animatronic in full effect shortly after the ride opened. Now, the Yeti doesn't work, but the rest of the ride is fantastic. There a drops, stops, twists, and turns. You also travel forwards and backwards, one of the only Disney attractions to do so. Everest is just so intense and fun that you never grow tired of it. I have always considered it the heart of Animal Kingdom.

6. The Haunted Mansion

     Talk about a Disney classic. This opening day attraction takes riders through a haunted mansion that is haunted by 999 happy haunts. The Haunted Mansion is a simple, yet genius Walt Disney creation. It is not the typical haunted house trope used in generic amusement parks; it is much more than that. The ride is iconic and the special effects used are breathtaking especially since they are so old. The Haunted Mansion manages to mix horror with camp and the result is exceptional. This is a ride I always manage to get "stuck" on, but I never mind it because there is always something new I see. On my vacation, I got "stuck" after your doom buggy falls out of the attic and tilts on its back. I thought it would be uncomfortable, but it was suprisingly calming. Walt Disney swung on this masterpiece, and it was a home run.

5. Pirates of the Caribbean

     Like The Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean is a Disney classic. Plain and simple. Pirates of the Caribbean was never meant to be in the Magic Kingdom, but because of popular demand, it was eventually created there. I remember this ride before it went into its major overhaul of adding elements from the movies. Though the ride has seen many changes over the years, it continues to make me giddy every time I ride it. During my last vacation, I almost pissed my pants during the cannonball scene because of one exploding right next to me and drenching me. Not too many rides do that to me. Also, how can you ignore the ride's theme song? I always find myself humming or whistling along to the iconic song to which I can never get it out of my head. Through the years, Pirates of the Caribbean has held up on one of my most beloved Magic Kingdom rides.

4. Avatar Flights of Passage

     One of Disney World's newest rides places at number four on my list. I'm a bit surprised that this new of a ride can even crack my top ten favorite Disney World rides. The attraction really is that beautiful. That is the best word I can describe it as. Beautiful. On the ride, you are connected to a Na'vi where you hop aboard a banshee and fly around Pandora. The ride system is a stereotypical simulator, but it feels so much more than that. The Disney imagineers managed to transform something so plain and overused to something that is so breathtakingly beautiful. I am not a believer in the afterlife, but if I was, I would expect Pandora to be what it looks and feels like. The ride has a way of actually making it feel like you are in the world of Avatar. That is not an easy thing to do. Who knows? Maybe this ride will climb up my list as the years go by!

3. Space Mountain

     We're now going to go back to Magic Kingdom for our second runner-up of our list. Coming in at number three is Space Mountain. God, this ride is phenomenal. If there was a way to ride this ride over and over again, I would do it in a heartbeat. On my last trip, I was fortunate enough to ride Space Mountain with the Villains After Hours overlay that included a villains' audio track and the ride being in total darkness. It was such a one-of-a-kind experience, and I was so glad I got to experience it. The drops are always thrilling, and they always manage to make my stomach tickle. The music while waiting in the queue is also amazing. It is one of the many sounds that I associate with Disney. Space Mountain is a strong attraction that highlights the many pros of a Disney World attraction.

2. Splash Mountain

     Splash Mountain will always be such a special ride to me. I remember the first time I rode it. I'm pretty certain it was in January of 2007, and my mom took me on. We were one of the only ones in line, and it was freezing that night. Luckily, most of the water jets were turned off, so we barely got wet. I will always hold that memory in my heart forever. The ride itself, is phenomenal. The music, show scenes, animatronics, and drops all play their part in the attraction flawlessly. I also always have fun watching people come down the final drop as they get soaked. Its always nice to see families having fun together. I have to ride this ride at least once during my vacation or I get anxious. Though Song of the South is a very controversial film, it paved the way for this attraction to be brought to life and for that, I am forever grateful.

1. Tower of Terror

     By far my favorite ride at Disney World is Tower of Terror. Tower of Terror is Disney magic at its best. The theming is at an all time high with this one. The 1930s hotel atmosphere really takes guests to another time, and the actual attraction, itself is no different. The outside queue always has a dark and eerie feel to it, which is the perfect feeling to have before riding. While waiting for the elevator to arrive, your stomach begins to do somersaults. Every time this happens to me, but it is always worth it in the end. The technology used is extraordinary. The ride vehicle is an elevator that can manage to travel out of the shaft. The pattern of the drops is almost always different. The drops feel like a sort of high one experiences. You always want more and more. I remember a point in my life where I was afraid to ride Tower of Terror, but I'm glad I gave it another chance when I got older because this ride is perfection. Every Disney ride should strive to be like this one in its story, ride experience, and theming. I never see a ride besting Tower of Terror. That is how good it is!

Thank you for reading my Top 10 Favorite Disney World Rides! I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful rest of your day!

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